The first Chinese Story Time went really well. Lots of enthusiastic kids and parents! My two girls were very involved in the process. Chantal especially loved to pull the suitcase full of Chinese books. I had the first 20 minutes or so with Chantal so we read a few stories together. When other kids showed up, she didn't like the idea of sitting down with others so she spent most of the time playing with the suitcase on her own. Emilyn wanted to read a story to others so she did the Fat Cat. I'm very encouraged by the positive feedback on those videos of our stories. A few kids also wanted to listen to our third book "Planting a vegetable garden", still in its hand-made book format. I need some ideas for turning this book into a video. Emilyn is working on it. Any suggestion?
As I expected, sharing books and story time is fun and the kids really enjoyed browsing all the colourful books we put on the table as display. Dora is very popular among the younger ones. I also found it very good for kids with little Chinese. It is almost like a picture and vacabulary book. And it is very interactive with the built-in activities.
I will probably go on a shopping spree to add more books to my collection in the next week or so. There is also a risk of staying awake at night thinking up an idea for the video production of the vegie book. Oh well, I did start our vegie garden this year so maybe my inspiration will come soon as the kids and I continue to dig in the dirt.
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